Sciatic nerve pain is painful; the sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body. Sciatic nerve pain can usually be felt from the lower back and through to the lower leg behind the knee. So what causes sciatica? Herniated discs will usually cause sciatic pain. The disc will press directly on the nerve, and if the nerve becomes inflamed or irritated in any way sciatic pain can result. There are also other reasons for sciatic nerve pain, bones, muscles, tumors and other injuries. Sciatic nerve pain usually feels like tingling from the lower back as well as a painful burning sensation, even numbness. Sciatica related pain can also make walking hard.
So how can sciatica be relieved? Sciatic pain can sometimes be helped by lying down on a heating pad. Doctors will often tell you that you rest are really the best treatment for sciatic nerve pain. Anti inflammatory and pain medicines as well as muscle relaxers. Some doctors may prescribe some anesthetics be injected into the actual site of the area of pain. Physical therapy and exercises that help develop core muscles. Some exercises that help sciatic pain caused by herniated discs are back extensions or press ups. These exercises move the muscles from the lower part of your body to the lower back. Exercises that help the pain due to spinal stenosis are bending exercises.
Any exercise that has a person bending down and flexing their lower spine will help this type of sciatic pain. Sufferers from degenerative disc disease can also suffer from sciatic nerve pain. This discomfort can also be relieved with certain exercises that train the spine and lumbar areas as well as the pelvic region. All of these exercises will help build a support system of muscles that will help hold the disc in place. When these measures do not work surgery is another option. There are several new ways to take care of the herniated disc as well as sciatic nerve issues with the least amount of invasive measures.
Sciatic Nerve pain is both painful and disturbing, it can cause a lot of difficulties in your life, but with a little patience and the right treatment, your pain will not be with you for very long.